sr320$ ./fastq-dump -A SR327417 /Volumes/Bay3/OysterGenomeBGI/SRX089200/SRR327417/SRR327417.sra -O /Volumes/Bay4\ scratch/BGIfosmids
NOTE that different OS bit systems have different versions of the softwares with different options.
Version: 2.1.0
robertsmac:sratoolkit.2.1.0-mac64 sr320$ ./fastq-dump --help
./fastq-dump [options] [ -A ] <accession>
./fastq-dump [options] <path>
-A, --accession Accession.
-O, --outdir Output directory. Default: '.'
-N, --minSpotId Minimum spot id to output.
-X, --maxSpotId Maximum spot id to output.
-G, --spot-group Split into files by SPOT_GROUP (member name).
-GL, --spot-group-list [<list>] Filter by SPOT_GROUP (member): name[,...].
-R, --read-filter [<filter>] Split into files by READ_FILTER value,
optional filter by a value: pass|reject|criteria|redacted.
-T, --group-in-dirs Split into subdirectories instead of files.
-K, --keep-empty-files Do not delete empty files.
-L, --log-level <level> Logging level: fatal|sys|int|err|warn|info. Default: warn
-H, --help Prints this message.
Format options:
-M, --minReadLen <len> Filter by minimum read length.
-E, --qual-filter Filter by quality.
-TR, --skip-technical Filter technical reads.
-W, --clip Clip quality left and right for spot
NOTE: above 4 options were changed, to restore behaviour run with: -M 25 -E -TR -W
-F, --origfmt Excludes SRR accession & length on defline.
-C, --dumpcs [cskey] Dump color space sequence (default for ABI SOLID), single letter color space key is optional.
-B, --dumpbase Dump base sequence (default for other than ABI SOLID).
-Q, --offset Offset to use for quality conversion. Default: 33
-I, --readids Append read id after spot id as '' on defline.
-SF, --complete Dump reads in a single file.
-SL, --one-line Join reads on a single line.
-DB, --defline-seq sequence defline format specification. String of characters and/or variables.
Variables are one of:
$ac - accession, $si - spot id, $sn - spot name, $sg - spot group (barcode),
$sl - spot length in bases, $ri - read number, $rn - read name, $rl - read length in bases.
'[]' could be used for an optional output: if all vars in [] yield empty values whole group is not printed.
Empty value is empty string or 0 for numeric variables.
Ex: @$sn[_$rn]/$ri - '_$rn' is omitted if name is empty
-DQ, --defline-qual quailty defline format specification. If -DB is provided but -DQ ommitted, -DB value is used.
-HS, --helicos Helicos style.
-FA, --fasta Fasta only, no qualities.
Version: 2.1.0